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Die 3. Klasse des Gymnasiums unterstützt das Nothilfeprogramm von SOS-Kinderdorf
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High school class gets involved for hungry children

Every year, students at the Liechtenstein Gymnasium get involved in helping people in need as part of their ethics and religion classes.

This year was no exception: the young people of Class 3c decided to support children in Madagascar, where there is currently a great famine. So the students created a flyer and baked eagerly finest Christmas cookies, which they offered at the beginning of December in the stores and offices in and around Vaduz for a voluntary donation. In the process, the students collected CHF 1,400.

Climate-induced famine

Teacher Peter Mennel felt it was important "for young people to learn how climate change and hunger are connected and to be given an opportunity for concrete action." The climate-related famine in Madagascar is a major challenge for the people there. Drought has prevailed for four years, and this year's harvest has also withered. The desperate children and families are being offered access to food programs and water, among other things, through the support of the high school students. The project is being implemented by
SOS Children's Villages, which has been active in Madagascar for more than 30 years and has launched a nine-month emergency relief program for the starving population.
