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Jahresbericht Titelbild
Jahresbericht Titelbild
Donation in cryptocurrency
You will make the difference!

Become a hero - give young people access to education!

With your donation in cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or Ethereum), you enable boys and girls to attend school or university, for example.

Your donation also helps children with learning difficulties to receive targeted tutoring or learning support. This gives the children the chance to develop their potential and follow their own chosen educational path. Thanks to your support, these young people will be able to actively shape the world and society in the future.

You have the option to donate your Bitcoin with the condition that we hold it for the time being. In the future, your Bitcoin will only be used for projects that can receive Bitcoin directly or as quick aid in emergencies or disasters. Alternatively, you have the option of donating Bitcoin or Ether, which we will immediately convert into Swiss francs.

After choosing your amount in the checkout, you will be redirected to a page of Bitcoin Suisse. There you can select the desired means of payment (Bitcoin, Ethereum or Bitcoin Lightning).
You will then receive a conversion rate valid for 5 minutes as well as the payment details as text and as a QR code. You can then initiate the transaction with your crypto wallet.

Fragen zur Kryptospende?

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