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Award of the Equal Opportunities Prize

Much excitement, great jubilation and palpitations: these were the emotions at the award ceremony of the Equal Opportunities Prize!

This prize is awarded every two years by the Liechtenstein government and supports projects that are particularly concerned with the needs of groups of people worthy of support (children, people with a migration background, people with disabilities, etc.).

Seven organisations submitted projects worthy of support, and in the end we were able to take home the challenge trophy with our Heart Box. It is a great pleasure for us to have won this honourable prize for our project SOS Heart Box.

With this project we encourage and support children in getting to know their own feelings and strengths. We provide teachers or school social workers with a ready-made tool to take up these important topics in a very low-threshold and playful way in the classroom. There is usually not enough time for personality development in the classroom!

We are blown away by the LGT Award for social commitment!
The evening of 25 October 2022 was all about appreciation and recognition for our commitment with the SOS Heart Box project.

With this project, we provide teachers in Liechtenstein with valuable, ready-to-use teaching and learning materials to address topics such as social interaction in the classroom, feelings, mindfulness and strengths. This is an important aspect in today's performance-oriented society! The class is strengthened, empathy is promoted and the schoolchildren learn to perceive and name their feelings and strengths.

Roland Matt, CEO of LGT Bank in Liechtenstein, and the Minister of Society, Manuel Frick, honoured our social commitment and presented us with the LGT Award for Social Commitment worth CHF 30,000!

  • Mother-Child-Therapy in Liechtenstein

    The care costs for the baby are not covered by the health insurance because the child is healthy itself. Mothers and families who would not be able to take advantage of such therapy for financial reasons are supported by SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein.