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Team SOS-Kinderdorf Liechtenstein

About us

Our association has been active in Liechtenstein since April 2019 and is privileged to have the patronage of I.D. Tatjana von Lattorff. We do everything we can to give children solace and immediate aid. We accompany them along their path with the relevant means and we open perspectives for the future with suitable support programmes that would not otherwise be available in many countries of the world.

  • I.D. Tatjana von Lattorff

    Our patroness: Princess of Liechtenstein
    As the mother of seven children, I know what it means to accompany your own protégées along their path in life; to protect and encourage them. Experiencing a happy, carefree childhood is unfortunately not something that can be taken for granted. For various reasons, countless children still grow up in need and without the warmth of a loving family home.
  • Magdalena Frommelt

    Executive board
    A superheroine would come in handy, ready to lend a hand at the right moment and remove obstacles from the way. But perhaps we don't need a superhero at all. An attentive teacher, a supportive neighbor, a helpful colleague - each and every one of us can do great things. My work at the children's aid organization is a daily testimony to the fact that small deeds can have a big impact. Every smile we give and every support we provide reminds me that together we can create a better future. I find deep meaning in this commitment.
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  • Maike Hilti

    Deputy Managing Director
    "As a mother of three, I am grateful every day that my children can grow up in a safe environment. Unfortunately, not all children and families in the world have the same opportunities for a carefree life due to wars, natural disasters, poverty and personal misfortune. Changing this and giving children in need the chance of a better life - full of love, security and confidence - is what drives me every day. Together with the SOS Children's Village team and our supporters, I am very happy to make the world a little bit better."
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  • Markus Schaper

    Philanthropy and partnerships
    The world is open to children if we give them the opportunities they deserve. Unfortunately, not all children have these opportunities. It is my firm belief that our society and we have a responsibility to support less privileged children. And - when sad, weepy children's eyes turn into smiling beams - then that is a wonderful thank you and for me the greatest possible motivation to continue on this path together in the SOS Children's Village team. Smiling children's eyes are the promising paths of humanity towards a better future for all of us.
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  • Virginia Biedermann

    Philantropy and Partnerships
    Actually, it should be a matter of course that children grow up in a loving home and are allowed to discover the world with mom and dad. As a mom, it makes me sad to see that 147 million orphans do not have the opportunity to grow up under such circumstances and therefore have fewer prospects later on. Through our work at SOS Children's Villages, we succeed in creating new opportunities for many boys and girls and, above all, in giving them the love and security to which every child is entitled.
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  • Tessy Pereira

    Communications and Programme Manager
    Children are our future - but how can we give them this future if many children grow up in poverty, fear and without parents? At SOS Children's Villages, we want to offer children the opportunity to grow up in a safe environment, where they can enjoy being children without suffering from hunger or loneliness. Personally, it should be everyone's right to live in security. The greatest gift is to experience the joy of children who overcome the challenges in their lives. That's what drives us as a team at SOS Children's Villages and what makes this task so fulfilling.
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SOS-Kinderdorf (Liechtenstein) e.V.
Zollstrasse 13
9494 Schaan

T +423 222 01 01

Bank details & donation account:
Account holder: SOS-Kinderdorf (Liechtenstein) e.V.

VP Bank, Vaduz

Account Nr.: 50.412.361.004
IBAN Nr. LI53 0880 5504 1236 1000 4
QR-IBAN Nr. LI9130174504123610004

Account Nr.: 50.412.361.002
IBAN Nr. LI26 0880 5504 1236 1000 5