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Children's Right Workshop
Children's Right Workshop

For Schools and Associations

SOS Children's Villages is also active for children and young people in Liechtenstein. We offer school classes and associations the opportunity to spend camp weeks at the SOS holiday camp in Caldonazzo.

We also offer children's rights workshops. Our SOS children's rights expert shows the children what rights they have. We also provide insights into the work of SOS Children's Villages and show why children grow up in a children's village and what it is like there.

  • Every metre counts

    Race for children in need

    Would you like to organise a charity race with your school or club?

  • SOS-Feriendorf Caldonazzo

    The children want to go outside, enjoy the freedom and nature or go to the playground. They have a physical need to move and romp - they have more than enough space for that in Caldo. At the SOS Children's Villages camp, children from European SOS Children's Villages aged 6 to 15 spend their summer vacations. But children from other residential groups, clubs and schools are also welcome.

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  • Children's Rights Workshop

    In a workshop, we are happy to bring children's rights closer to your students. We use concrete examples to explain what rights children have and they get an insight into our international projects to strengthen children's rights.

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  • Herzkiste

    With the SOS-Herzkiste school project, we bring the social learning toolbox to your classroom. 

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