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Der Verein Hindernislauf Lie Mud Run überreicht eine Spende an SOS-Kinderdorf Liechtenstein!
Kids rund for kids

Lie Mud Run hands over donation to SOS Children's Village

In mid-September, over 200 children took part in the LittleMudRun, the fun run for kids. They conquered climbing walls, waded through mud holes, jumped over car tires and fearlessly jumped into the ice bath.

The fun was enormous, the participating girls and boys were beaming.
So that children who did not have a good start in life can also beam, the association "Obstacle Course Liechtenstein" donates an amount of five Swiss francs to the SOS Children's Village Liechtenstein for each child who participated in the LittleMudRun. With this money children and
babies of depressed mothers from Liechtenstein and the region.

Doubling of the donation
Thanks to this donation, which was generously doubled, more than 40 days of care for a baby in a mother-child clinic can be financed. "With this commitment, we would like to draw attention to the fact that there are families here in Liechtenstein who need this kind of help. On the other hand, we have also taken up the theme of sustainability for the entire Bank Frick LieMudRun," says Sandra Wögerer. "This also includes social sustainability, i.e. equal opportunities. We actively promote this with this project. We are very pleased that we have found a partner organization in the SOS Children's Village Liechtenstein, which uses our donations in a targeted manner for needy children and mothers.
