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Titelbild Jahresbericht 2023
Titelbild Jahresbericht 2023
Annual report 2023
Together we have strengthened children

Our 2023 annual report is here. We implemented and supported 49 local and international aid projects. This was possible thanks to donations amounting to 2.4 million Swiss francs.

In Liechtenstein, we were able to support 150 children and families in need. We strengthened the social skills of 1,000 pupils from over 70 school classes in Liechtenstein with the SOS Heart Box project.

Behind the numbers there are often stories and fates. Read about them in the annual report:

  • How teddy bears - made in Liechtenstein - provide comfort here in Liechtenstein and raise awareness of children's rights.

  • How we have received a wide range of support through creative and personal initiatives from Liechtenstein.

  • How our educational programs give young people sustainable prospects

  • How companies are committed to helping

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our donors, large and small, companies and foundations, followers and idealistic supporters!