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We empower fathers to be involved in their families.
Exchange in the fathers club

Strong fathers - strong families

"Our experience is that derailed families often can't get back on track without involving fathers," says social worker Festim Prognadi from Albania.

He looks after the fathers' club in the rather poor Don Bosko district. Zenel, a father, was skeptical at first, but today he is happy to be part of the Fathers' Club. "Before, I could not express love for my children. Here I learned to communicate with my children, with my wife. My life has become a different one," he says.

"I used to drink a lot of alcohol and beat my wife and children," Zenel says with a sad look. "After I stopped drinking and I learned to communicate better with my family through the support of the Fathers' Club, the other fathers in the neighborhood naturally saw this positive change. They wanted to become part of the fathers' club. Even the women started sending their husbands to the fathers' club," Zenel says, now smiling.

Fathers have an important role and a great influence on the well-being of their families. With this in mind, we wish all fathers a great Father's Day on March 19!
