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Kunsttherapie hilft traumatisierten Kindern zum seelischen Gleichgewicht
Being creative helps children

Mental balance through Art therapy

If mum or dad cannot give their child the necessary love and warmth, for whatever reason, then the child will become ill.

Emotional connection between parents and children is not only the basis for child well-being, but also - decades later - for mental health.

Today's family reality has changed a lot. Pressure from all sides, sometimes a single additional burden is enough and the fragile family structure collapses. Often you can tell from the children that there are problems at home. They become "symptom carriers", insidiously, at some point noticeable. If affected children are not treated in time, they have a significantly increased risk of becoming mentally ill.

Especially children from socially disadvantaged families often do not receive the therapy measures that are necessary for a positive development. Mental health still does not have the same status as physical health. In the case of organic diseases, one gets what is technically correct. A wound is dressed, a leg is put in plaster, a tooth is treated. There are also suitable therapies for mental illnesses. And every child must have the opportunity to receive them.

For many years, art therapy has therefore been a permanent fixture in the SOS Children's Village in Moosburg, for example, and offers children a place where they can discover, construct and try things out. "Working makes children more content, more capable of acting, more courageous. They stay with themselves, feel themselves, practice trusting their own actions, create moments of silence," Anna Biela is convinced. She is a workshop leader, artist, art therapist and long-time children's village friend at the SOS Children's Village in Moosburg.
The SOS Children's Village in Moosburg is also supported by generous donations from donors in Liechtenstein.
