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Spendenaktion der Gemeindeschule Eschen zugunsten von SOS-Kinderdorf Liechtenstein
Primary school students get involved

Bread and flower day

The Bread and Flowers Day has been held at Eschen Primary School for 20 years. This year it was dedicated to the famine in Madagascar.

Every Lent, religion teacher Monika Mandel organizes the "Bread and Flowers Day" at Eschen Parish School. On that day, the girls and boys sell flowers for the benefit of a charitable project and receive a fine loaf of bread at break time.

This year, the boys and girls collected money for children affected by famine in Madagascar. This is being implemented by SOS Children's Villages and will benefit around 15,000 babies, children and parents. Carola Büchel, Head of Programs & Communication at SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein, was able to present the project to the children. The primary school students had rehearsed a song and were enthusiastic about the project.

In the end, SOS Children's Villages was able to collect over CHF 1,700 from this wonderful event!
